Our senior advisors provide tailored, high-level guidance and practical support, grounded in a deep analysis of your unique ambitions, current context, and challenges. Central to our approach is a collaborative exchange with all stakeholders, fostering the creation of clear visions, inspiring strategies, and actionable implementation plans.

Our Partners

Robert Wagenaar, PhD

Founding Partner & Director

Preparing higher education institutions for the world of tomorrow applying multi-level stakeholders’ involvement strategies. Global leader in initiating and supervising large scale processes of curriculum innovation by interrelating academic, societal and workplace needs.

Mavi Calabrese

Founding Partner & CEO

Passionate, plurilingual and self-starting entrepreneur in the higher education sector on a global level who believes in cultural sensitiveness as a tool to communicate.  Driven by the notion that education is the key for a better present.

Dedication and forty years of Higher Education and Research experience help develop strategies and  to turn them into effective solutions with an emphasis on developing effective and sustainable fundraising strategies.

Founding Partner & Chair

Willem Wolters

Accomplished and motivated thought leader devising in-house and in-context socio-digital collaborative frameworks. Translates entrepreneurial capacities into purposeful facilitation in complexity.

Founding Partner

Toñi Caro, PhD

Designing innovative and open architectures for learning and employment through collaboration, proposal development, project implementation and monitoring accountability in complex networks.

Wesley Teter, PhD

Founding Partner

Guy Haug, PhD

Founding Partner

Proud to help universities to shape their future, with enough imagination to sketch innovative  scenarios and enough hands-on experience to screen them for their feasibility.

Advising and supporting higher education institutions, European universities, research innovation ecosystems actors towards building today the education and research systems for a better present and future. For all citizens, in Europe and globally.

Daniela Trani, PhD

Founding Partner


We have chosen the gender-neutral name MAVERICKS because the term refers to ‘unconventional, independent-minded persons’. We believe that an open dialogue best supports our clients to identify and reach their ambitions.

The acronym stands for a series of notions that capture well our claim of ‘advancing higher education’. See the non-exhaustive list below. Suggestions are welcome.

Modernise, Mavericks, Mind, Manage, Moonshot, Mission, Momentum

Advance, Accelerate, Artificial (Intelligence), Ambition, Audacious, Ally

Vision, Virtual, Variation, Values

Education, Equity, Exchange, European, Energy, Engagement, Experts

Research, Renew, Revolutionise, Resilience, Regions, Relevance

Inspire, Innovate,International, Impact, Intelligence, Intercultural, Interdisciplinary, Ideas

Challenge, Change, Create, Connect, Collaborate, Cooperate, Competency 

Knowledge, Keys

Share, Structure, Strategy, Science, Strength, Sustainable